Every year, thousands of aspiring students aim at pursuing one of the most sought after career options, engineering. There are government as well as private engineering colleges that brim with aspirants from different parts of the country. Those, who are highly scholar and have managed foreign scholarships, even go to foreign engineering colleges to pursue their dream of becoming an engineer.
But, this is not the case with all the engineers. The engineering aspirants mainly aim at the most prestigious engineering entrance examination in the country – GATE. The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is the sole and the best engineering examination to take the master’s degree in some of the basic and most common engineering streams in India. One of the streams of disciplines among these that receive maximum applications is Computer Science. Students constantly have the common question in mind, how to prepare for GATE computer science entrance examination.
About GATE Computer Science Exam
The post-graduate engineers or aspirants, who have completed a four-year engineering course or equivalent, after class 12 examinations, can sit for the GATE examination. This all India examination is administered by the faculty members of the reputed institutes like IISC, the National Coordinating Board, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development and the IITs.
The GATE score or rank is meant for the students to take admission in the Masters of Engineering or ME, MS, Masters of Technology or M. Tech or for direct admission into the Ph.D. courses. There are 23 papers or disciplines in which the students can apply for. However, a student is allowed to apply for only one of these 23 subjects. As one of the most prestigious examinations in the country, GATE score or rank is not only considered to be the entry pass for prestigious institutions for postgraduate studies, but also for lucrative job opportunities.
GATE CSE Preparation Tips
It takes quite a lot of time to prepare yourself for the GATE CS exam. A minimum of 3 months is required to prepare the complete syllabus for the GATE CS exam. The GATE CS preparation plan should follow these things –
- Start with preparing for the subject that requires maximum attention, time and practice.
- The easy sections should be studied later; once the difficult or more important chapters are done.
- The 90 days preparation plan would include reading, thoroughly understanding, revision and practicing of the syllabus.
- Your focus should be on understanding the basics or fundamentals. The practice should also include various question sets as well as quizzes.
Practice-papers can be found online as well as various books are available in the market that are good and recommended by the GATE CS preparation or coaching centers. You can check out 10 tips to help you with GATE 2018 preparations
Revision notes must be made for all the relevant topics as well as for those topics that you are least confident about.
Follow and participate in online debates and discussions regarding various GATE CS topics.
If you follow these steps for your GATE CS preparation plan, you will certainly be able to complete your syllabus fast and prepare yourself for the exam.
GATE Computer Science Syllabus
Now that you have known about the steps that you must follow, you should know about the GATE CS syllabus to know how to prepare for GATE CSE in 2 months or 3 months. The syllabus of GATE CS is an elaborate one. This is only to check the applicant’s ability in the respective field of studies. Hence, a precise idea of the Computer Science field is important. Download latest syllabus from GATE 2017 Official Website
Engineering Mathematics: (Preparation Time 9 Days)
This is the most important section of the GATE CSE preparation. Having a strong hold in mathematics is a must for a GATE CS aspirant. A number of core subjects like sets, functions, matrices, graphs, mathematical logic, and even probability will require a good skill in engineering mathematics. The disciplines that one must practice in this subject are –
- Discrete Mathematics
- Calculus
- Linear algebra
- Probability
Information Technology and Computer Science
There are many books on the market that explain and discuss these problems in details. Having a clear concept of these subjects and disciplines is a must. It usually takes about 9 days to go through all of these sections for an engineering or technology student. If you are currently in the last semester of your course or have recently passed your degree or diploma course, you will certainly be in touch with these disciplines. Hence, it should not take more time than this.
Algorithm: (Preparation Time 10 days)
Analysing algorithm problems and learning the algorithm techniques is the next most important thing. The sections that you should be careful about include –
- Dynamic programming
- Divide and conquer
- Searching
- Sorting
- Traversals
- Path algorithms
Practice as many questions and problems as possible, to sharpen your skills. This is the key to success if you want to know how to prepare for GATE computer science entrance examination.
Aptitude Test: (Preparation Time 5 Days)
Reasoning and Quantitative aptitude is something that is a basic for any entrance examination. You do not have to worry much about this. This takes far less time to prepare than the other major disciplines and subjects.
Programming and Data Structure: (Preparation Time 7 days)
Programming is something that every Computer Science student needs to be skilled in. It is, therefore, one of the easiest sections of the syllabus that should not take more than 7 days to prepare. If you are in touch or have recently completed the programming syllabus for your engineering or degree course syllabus, it will be even easier for you. The core areas include –
- C
- Queues
- Arrays
- Trees
- Stacks
- Binary search trees
- Linked lists
- Graphs
- Binary heaps
Follow your syllabus books or buy some online. In fact, there are numerous materials that can be found online, if you don’t have any in your possession.
Operating system: (Preparation Time 8 days)
This is another important section that you must read thoroughly. CPU scheduling, threads, Page Replacement Algorithms, Semaphores, Deadlock avoidance algorithm, Paging and Segmentations, and Disk scheduling, etc. should be studied carefully.
Computer networks: (Preparation Time 8 days)
The key topics that you must study under this subject include –
- Congestion control
- IP Addressing
- Routing Algorithms
- Public Key encryptions
- Private key encryptions
Those, who have doubts in any of these topics, should consult the best books in the market. If you are not sure about how to prepare for GATE computer science entrance examination, consult the professional institutes that offer online as well as offline classes, discussions, mock tests and study materials.
Databases: (Preparation Time 7 days)
The key topics under database subject that a GATE CS aspirant or applicant must study would include Integrity constraints, Normal forms, tuple calculus, Relational algebra, and SQL.
Theory of Computation: (Preparation Time 7 days)
Context-free languages, finite automata, undecidability, regular expressions, pumping lemma, grammars, etc. are some of the key topics that you must practice.
Digital Logic: (Preparation Time 6 days)
The digital logic topics that are most important for the GATE CS examination are –
- Simplification
- Registers
- Combinational Circuits
- Floating point representation
- Counters
Follow a good book, and you will be able to have a clear knowledge of these topics.
Compiler Design: (Preparation Time 4 days)
The GATE CS exam topics of interest under Compiler Design would include Phases of Compiler, Lexical Analysis, LR Parsers, LL(1) Parser, Follow set computation, First set computation, etc.
Also Read: Tips to choose the best GATE coaching center in Kerala
Computer Organization: (Preparation Time 7 days)
Cache organization, pipe lining and addressing modes are some of the most important topics in this subject.
Now that you have got a clear concept of the syllabus, topics of interest, and the tips you must keep in mind while preparing for the GATE CSE, it would not be difficult to plan how to prepare for GATE CSE branch. Plan in advance, and you will surely crack the test. The best part is that there is no age limit or appearance limit for this examination. But, if you want to start your career in the best possible way, this is the exam that you must target on.
ARC Foundation is one of the best GATE Coaching centers in Cochin. 1000’s of students who enroll in our coaching center have successfully cracked the GATE and are into some of the best colleges in our country.
Are you planning to take up GATE 2018? Lack an idea of how the examination will be? Contact us today and we will help you out.