How To Get Job In PSU Through GATE?

PSUs or the Public Sector Undertakings are the organizations in which most of the stakes are owned by the State or Central Government. These Government owned companies are the best site for Government job opportunities. That explains why every year PSU recruitment witnesses thousands of applications from candidates seeking to apply for Government jobs.

Every year, the number of PSU’s job recruitment through GATE score increases and considering the past trends, the figure it likely to cross 50 in this academic session. Now, the main criteria to apply for PSU job is candidate’s appearance in GATE and the qualifying marks. Some of the popular PSU companies inviting candidates with GATE scores are ONGC, BPCL, HPCL, IOCL, and PowerGrid. BSNL has also started recruiting employees on the basis of the marks they scored in the GATE.

Now, if you wonder what are the eligibility criteria for sending applications to PSU companies, you should know that it all starts with the GATE exam. In literal meaning, PSU is one of the job opportunities after GATE exam. Based on the marks you score in the GATE exams; you will be asked to appear in the screening interview. This article explains selection in PSU through GATE.

What Are The Types Of PSUs?

What Are The Types Of PSUs


Depending on the parameters like global presence, income generated, listing on Indian Stock Exchange, and annual revenue, the Public Sector Undertakings in India are mainly classified into following three types:

> Navaratna PSU’s

> Maharashtra PSU’s

> Mini-Ratna PSU’s

What You Need to Know About GATE Score and PSU Recruitment?

GATE Score and PSU Recruitment


This year, IIT Madras conducted GATE in February and announced the results on 15th March 2019. As of now, the total number of papers in which students can appear are 24, including the new paper called Statistics. The duration of the exam is of three hours, the question paper has an average of sixty-five questions. These sixty-five questions carry the weightage of one hundred marks. Checkout the top educational apps for learning.

For each company, the qualifying or cut-off eligibility marks are going to be different. PSU through GATE by each company will specify the minimum marks a candidate should have score in the exam. Unlike for the M. Tech admissions, the GATE marks for PSU recruitment will be valid for one year only, and not for three years.

Generally, GATE score is the main factor that is considered for PSU recruitment. It is used for shortlisting the candidates for interview round. But this is not mandatory for all the companies. Some of the companies also follow direct recruitment process. Hence, the selection criteria solely depend on the PSUs. So, the candidates need to confirm with the companies to know the exact selection process.

For example, last year BSNL didn’t conduct the interview round for screening candidates for the BSNL JTO hiring, but NTPC went with two rounds of interview to hire the final candidates. If we were to speak generally, we’d say that all candidates should be prepared for a personal interview round, or at least a group discussion. Also checkout GATE examination infographics.

Eligibility Criteria for Recruitment in PSU Through GATE Score

PSU Through GATE Score


  • Appearance in GATE Exam is the foremost criteria. A qualified candidate with average GATE score will be eligible to apply.
  • Apart from the specific GATE score, PSU companies are also likely to prefer candidates with good pass percentage. The selection is usually on the CGPA or pass percentage obtained during the graduation.
  • Candidates may be screened based on their age. The age limit varies for respective job roles and companies.
  • Medical certificate to show fitness may be required to be eligible for PSU recruitment.
  • Only Indian Nationals are qualified for PSU recruitment through the GATE score.
  • The candidates with complains like Color Blindness cannot apply for PSU recruitment.

How To Apply For Recruitment In PSU Through GATE?

How to apply for recruitment in PSU through GATE


For sending applications to respective PSU companies, the candidates need to visit the company website, and apply separately. Every company has different job roles, different requirement of skill sets, and different eligibility conditions. Hence, the GATE cutoff score will be different. Candidates should visit the official site and the link where they can find all information on the selection, application dates, and cutoffs.

While applying online, keep your GATE score ready with your recent photograph and the signature.

Why PSU Through GATE is so Popular?

There has got to be a solid reason why PSU through GATE is gaining so much popularity. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of applications and the hired candidates as well. Here’s why the chaos is all about:

  • The GATE is a computer-based test, which means it cannot be manipulated, and that’s why PSU companies have a perception that this unbiased test score is a perfect way to screen a candidate’s knowledge and talent.
  • With PSUs, the employees get a stable job with good pay. For most of the Indian students, it’s a lifetime opportunity that often ends only when they retire.
  • The PSUs are often slow in implementing new policies and changes. So, on the bright side, the employees will get a chance to be the change agent.
  • Apart from good pay, there is benefit like heath care facilities, travel facilities, house allowances, and extended leaves.

GATE Cutoffs For PSUs

GATE cutoffs for PSUs


For a better understanding of GATE qualifying marks, we have attached below the 2018 cutoff marks for AAI recruitment. This might give you an understanding of how much you need to prepare to get an opportunity to make it through PSU screening.


(Electronics: Junior Executive post)50.33504040.33
(Engineering Electrical: Junior Executive post)75.6770.3358.6760.3347.67
(Engineering Civil: Junior Executive post in AAI)80.4875.5668.0269.448.35
(Architect: Junior Executive post in AAI)69.6765.676748.6747


GATE is one of the most competitive exams in India. It sure is tough to crack, but it opens endless opportunities of employment in several sectors. Now, you can also get jobs in esteemed companies by recruitment in PSU through GATE. So, check the facts, research-thoroughly about your chances, and study well!

ARC Foundation is one of the best GATE coaching centres in Kochi. We have a legacy of training aspiring candidates to help them crack GATE and CAT examinations.


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