10 Tips To Help You With GATE 2021 Preparations
calendar10 Jul 20

Exams are something that creates a lot of stress for students. If there were no exams things would have been so easy.But, then how do we decide whether we fit in a place? This means you cannot escape exams. Why do you consider it as a stressful event? Take it...

Why Mock Exam is Important Before Appearing For GATE 2021?
calendar21 Apr 20

Are you appearing for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers (GATE) exam in 2021? Are you practicing daily or not? If you are serious about clearing GATE 2021, it is important to check if you are moving in the right direction. Have you heard of the phrase “Practice makes a man...

Gate Production And Industrial Engineering Preparation
calendar24 Sep 19

The mixture of manufacturing technology and management science is production and industrial engineering. One of them is to take a postgraduate course from an Engineering College such as IT’s. The second is the application for a job in multiple PSU through GATE.   Scope of Industrial and Production Engineering  ...

GATE Metallurgical Engineering Preparation Tips
calendar29 Aug 19

The science of handling materials for mining, recycling, and refining metals is Metallurgical engineering. The professions of metallurgical engineering are strongly dependent on metals in our culture and are continuously important today.    Get your basics directly, like physical chemistry and some NCERT physics chapters directly from the very beginning....

GATE Petroleum Engineering Preparation Tips 2021
calendar08 Jul 19

GATE is indeed one of the most competitive exams taken by engineering students, and hence it not only demands dedication but also knowledge of smart tips and tricks that can help a student gain a competitive advantage. This year, the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering will be organized by IIT...

How To Get Job In PSU Through GATE?
calendar22 May 19

PSUs or the Public Sector Undertakings are the organizations in which most of the stakes are owned by the State or Central Government. These Government owned companies are the best site for Government job opportunities. That explains why every year PSU recruitment witnesses thousands of applications from candidates seeking to...

IES Vs GATE: Things You Should Know
calendar30 Apr 19

Indubitably, Engineering is one of the most sought-after career options for the youth who wants to make a scintillating career. That’s why every year nearly 1.5 million students in India graduate in engineering. Most of these students often face a dilemma regarding whether they should opt for IES or GATE....

How to Prepare Control Systems for GATE 2020
calendar19 Mar 19

  GATE: Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering The Gate Exam also called the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is one of the most competitive exams at Graduation level. It is a computer-based test which is conducted at the National level. The main aim of the GATE exam is to test...

The Do’s and Dont’s for Those Who Are Self-Studying for GATE Exam
calendar16 Mar 19

If you are self-studying for GATE  then you can create a disciplined plan to complete it successfully. Many who are trying it for the first time shall feel it quite intimidating. There is a way out of this confusion and that is what this post is about.Preparing for GATE without coaching...

Top 10 Opportunities That Come Your Way After GATE
calendar14 Feb 19

Being a graduate will not ensure you to secure a strong position in this competitive era. If you want an unprecedented career, then you should go for higher studies which will not only boost up your career but also make your future brighter and scintillating. Hence, these days, students are...